Lesson 6/2

Hi friends,

Sometimes you paint with a paintbrush and sometimes with your fingers!

If you have finger paint at home you can use that, and if not, here's a simple way to make finger paint:

Ingredients: 1/2 cup flour; 1 cup water; 1/4 tsp salt; food coloring or water colors; cold water for thinning


  1. Combine flour, salt, and 1 cup water in sauce pan.

  2. Heat flour/water while whisking. The mixture will be clumpy, then smooth, then thicken into a paste.

  3. Once it has become thick and pasty, remove from heat.

  4. Whisk in cold water a few tablespoons at a time until desired consistency is reached.

  5. Color with food coloring or water colors.

  6. Allow to cool completely, then paint!

This is a sensory activity to expose your child to another way of creating art and another way to use their "math skills" by helping to prepare the ingredients using the appropriate numbers on the measurement tools.

You can use a plastic plate as their canvas and have your child explore. It's helpful to have shapes or other simple toys or objects around, so they can paint what they see or just explore different strokes on their canvas.

Story 1:

Story 2: