Reflective approach for EiT methods and tools

Meta-reflection in EiT

(Adapted from Peter Pappas’s “Taxonomy of Reflection”)

We can and should use the following serious of questions to reflect on any method/tool we use in EiT. The term “Meta” is used in front of reflection because the reflections go beyond evaluating the concrete outcome of applying a given method/tool.

1. What did we do with this tool?

How did we use the tool? How did we organise our use of the tool?

2. Was this tool valuable for us, why or why not?

What value did this tool have for us?

3. Where could we use this tool again in EIT?

What opportunities can we see for using this tool again in EIT? What will change in later stages of EIT to justify re-application of this tool? Why might we re-apply this tool later in EIT?

4. How well did we apply the tool?

Could we have applied the tool differently? Could we have structured our work with the tool differently? How do we know how well we applied the tool?

5. Why did we choose this tool?

Did it do what it was supposed to do? Which alternative tools could we have used?

6. How will the use of this tool impact on our final innovation?

What value has this tool contributed to our innovation process at Phase 1 and/or Phase 2?

What have we learnt as a team from using this tool?

What difference has this tool made to our collaboration process?

How does this tool scaffold the whole innovation process?