

1) Icebreakers; warm-up in circle; sending an expression with face, movement with arms and legs around. Sculpture – a) in pairs (one is clerk and the other one is an artist); your passion; b) In groups make your business idea as a sculpture with your bodies.

2) Analysis of your target group

3) Write individually your pitch from the above template

4) Walk around in the classroom tell your pitch to 3 others from the other teams and get feedback

5) Go back to your group and tell the feedback and do a reflection

6) Rewrite the pitch together, so you have one for your group

7) Work with Aristotle’s appeal – rewrite the pitch using the different appeal forms (see attached file)

8) Present in plenum

9) Reflection and evaluation

When should you use it?

During the course you have 4 presentations:

1. The idea and skills poster presentation

2. Phase 1 presentation

3. Team Pitch Business Idea

4. The final oral examination (individual + teampresentation)

In all these 4 presentations you can make use of the pitch template to emphazise your project and actual business idea.


1. Hook - Start with a good hook. Catch the recipients interest and do your purpose of your speech clear.

2. Need – What is the recipients needs and not your own needs! Ask yourself: “What kind of needs do I cover?” Common for the ideas are, that they should target a need in the recipient group. What kind of important needs do you cover for your target group?

3. Approach – Describe clearly and precise, how your idea is fulfilled. Be very concrete and action orientated. What will you do?

4. Benefit – What are the benefits? How will the recipient group benefit of your idea? The effects of your idea?

5. Competition – Make clear how your idea differs and better/unique than the competitors. Describe the benefits compares to other solutions on the market (economy, easy to use, special expertise etc.)

Where can I learn more?

Michael Weiss: "Presentation Skills"