Customer Types


Especially in companies and governmental institutions there may be several people involved in purchasing decisions. But to some extent also in families and even for individual consumers.

Therefore you should consider who you need to convince before a purchase is made.


This tool is part of designing the sales process - including the Channels-part of the business model, but it may also affect your value proposition, positioning and the price and revenue model.


Discuss and research who will be part of the decisions process and how important their role will be:

  • END USER – Who will be the daily user of your product?
  • INFLUENCERS – Who will influence our customers decision? Who will our customers follow and want to be like
  • ADVISORS – Who will our customers go to for advise?
  • ECONOMIC BUYER - Who is the economic buyer? (That is, whose budget is the payment taken from? Will the economic buyers have an existing budget for your kind of product, or will they need to have the purchase approved?
  • DECISION MAKER – Who is the final decision maker? Who else needs to approve the purchase of your product?

Discuss how that should influence your product and business model.

Remember that some of the above roles will be played by the same individual.