

A Persona is a very specific description of a person who best represents the primary customer in your target market. Ideally based on a real actual person.

The Persona will give all team members absolute clarity and focus on who you are trying to make successful and happy with your product.


A Persona should be developed after Market Segmentation and after choosing you target segment.


There are several checklists on the content of a persona, but it could be something like:

  • Name - The real name if it is a real person or a made-up name.
  • Photo - Get a photo of your persona or find a photo that represents your persona.
  • Demograpy - Sex, age, family status, address, occupation, education, income etc.
  • Personal goals and values. What would the person like to achieve and what are his/her personal values - in general and concerning the specific product area. What is good and what is bad.
  • Consumtion and buying habits - If your product/service is for privat use, it is especially relevant to consider which specific products and brands the profile buys - and where they are bought. And where does you persona search for information about it.
  • Needs - What are the specific needs and problems in the area, where you are searching for solutions.
  • Skills - How experienced and knowledgable is the person concerning your product area. What are his habits, at where are the limits of his abilities.
  • Perspective on the task and product For which purposes is the person using the product og service, and how important are these in his daily life? What is the persons role, when the product/service i used.

If you have more than one target group, you should make a persona to represent each target group.
