Dancing FanPal

In my earlier blog, I explored various instances of artificial creatures expressing emotions in unique ways. Delving into my classmates' blogs sparked new ideas, particularly Sanne Dekker's dancing bots that inspired me to enhance my creation, FanPal. To amplify FanPal's emotional display and boost its enthusiasm for the user's favorite music, incorporating some impressive dance moves is crucial.

Much like the dancing robot dog, FanPal can execute flawless dance routines that seamlessly complement the chosen music. Whether teaching the user these dance moves or dancing in sync with them, FanPal aims to deepen the connection between the user and itself, especially after an energetic dance session to their beloved tunes.

However, showcasing enthusiasm for music doesn't have to be confined to bodily movements alone. Building on Sanne's suggestion, synchronized light shows pulsating to the music's beat offer another captivating method for FanPal to express its emotions. 

Dancing to your jams with your FanPal

Inspired by the feelings in music, FanPal's light shows can get even fancier. By checking out what the user likes, FanPal changes its lights to match the mood of the music. For example, it might create a colorful light show that goes with the user's favorite tunes. But, if it's playing music the user doesn't like, FanPal could signal that with different, maybe alerting lights.