I love change and I hate boredom u can see it through my changes across the time

Yo       yo     yo! 

Dom here!
How is it going? 

I am a student, dancer, creative mind and a full time weeb nice to meet ya!

I do Media Tech and Asian Studies in Leiden. I miss dancing tho :c I really desperately wanna find a good dancing studio that I can join.

More about me

I hate schemes and Karol (sorry schemes).

Things I am passionate about:

I love anything that's new and interesting.

Dancing, cooking, languages, modelling, traveling, music making and many others.

Also I am dyslexic.

I am looking for any way to get rich so if you are rich hit me up.

Also if u have an idea how to get rich and be creative hit me up.

Do you know how to be rich in Japan? Hit me up!
Do you like crepes? Hit me up!

I am a teacher and I am poor so if you wanna learn languages like: Japanese, English, Polish or German - Dm me

(I also teach dancing)

My jam: