Wait what?

The concept of artificial honesty is intriguing because it highlights a trait that can be challenging for humans to master. Navigating when to be honest and how to present information in a social context can be complex, with nuances that vary depending on the situation.

The idea of non-human creatures being honest with us prompts reflection on how we can develop technology that understands and respects the social barriers we've constructed in our world. It's a fascinating exploration into the intersection of technology and social dynamics.


Examples like Vocaloid and animatronics underscore how humans perceive and interpret honesty. Despite being created by humans, these creations can express themselves in ways that are as influenced by social context as we are.


Amidst the complexity, the simplicity of pets' honesty stands out. Dogs, with their expressive nature, often show guilt or communicate their actions through body language, while cats, known for their independence, may present a polar opposite demeanour. This natural honesty from our furry companions serves as a compelling example of sincerity in its purest form.


Picture this: 

A mental health algorithm that taps into our love for animals, recognizing how they fulfil different needs in our lives. You get to pick your animal buddy, each offering a unique way to interact and dish out honesty—whether you like it blunt or sugar-coated. It's like a game or a cool chat where the algorithm figures out your communication style and how much truth you're cool with.

Think of it as a fun journey where you choose from 10 animal avatars, each with its own vibe and way of talking. They'll take you on a wild ride of communication, and afterward, you rate how much you enjoyed it and if it feels like your jam for chatting.

Imagine a digital zoo of personalities, helping you explore your communication style while keeping it real. It's all about finding your furry (or feathery) match for honest conversations in a way that feels just right.

The Jungle Book

Just like that!

The beauty of this idea is its versatility—it's like a canvas waiting for creators to splash their imagination onto it across various platforms. You can dive into an interactive video game where you're whisked away on adventures with your chosen animal buddy, exploring different levels and challenges while unravelling aspects of your communication style and comfort with honesty.

But hey, why stop there? Imagine bringing this concept to life with physical toys that bridge the gap between the digital and physical worlds. Picture cute plushies or action figures representing the animal avatars, each equipped with sensors and speakers to deliver an interactive experience to users of all ages. Kids can cuddle up with their favourite animal pal while engaging in meaningful conversations that encourage self-reflection and emotional exploration.

And let's not forget about the DIY enthusiasts and makers out there. With the right tools and resources, the possibilities are endless. You could tinker around and build your own robotic companion, customizing everything from its appearance to its communication style. It's a hands-on approach to exploring the intersection of technology, psychology, and creativity.

But why?

All cool Dom, but why would we do that? Well, the possibilities are quite fascinating when we delve into the potential outcomes of this idea.

Of course, what we've discussed here is just the tip of the iceberg. This idea has the potential to ripple across multiple fields, from psychology to business to education, creating ripple effects of innovation and positive change. It's a big picture idea with even bigger potential outcomes, and with careful consideration and development, who knows what creative solutions and advancements may emerge? 

It's certainly an exciting prospect to explore!