Reyhan Danışan 


Welcome to my page :) My name is Reyhan Danışan and I'm a first year Media Technology student in Leiden. Before starting my masters degree, I studied Communication and Multimedia Design at Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, with a minor in Game Development. These games can be found on my portfolio at the end of this page. However after finishing my bachelors I felt like seeking out more opportunities in the academic field, willing to combine creativity and research. I discovered that Media Technology was the ideal choice to fulfill my needs. 

A bit more about me

In my free time I like to read books (not the realistic ones), playing games on my PC and trying out new foodspots with friends. I've also always been interested in trying out new hobbies, and am currently obsessed with punch needling!

Tea flows through my veins thanks to my roots and Uncle Iroh, so if you ever need recommendations, you've come to the right spot. You can always find me longing for coffee and nice weather, one of the two which is easier to obtain.

Oh and I love cats.

Images: twitter user @ouie_e
