Carita Muhli

Hi everyone!

I’m Carita Muhli, originally from a small city in Finland called Lappeenranta. For my bachelor’s, I moved to the Netherlands and studied Arts & Cultures at Erasmus University Rotterdam. During this time, I also went to study in Tokyo for a semester at Keio University. Last year in September, I started my master’s degree in Media Technology. The reason for that was that I wanted to combine my interest in arts (specifically film & audiovisual arts) with technology, and now, here we are!! 

Besides the degree, I have a lot of different interests. Most of the time, you can probably find me at a movie theater as I am a huge film fan (yes I am on letterboxd). My favorite movie of all time is Toshio Matsumoto's Funeral Parade of Roses. I'm into film photography, you can see some of my photos below! I also play video games, my favorites right now are the Zelda games and Subnautica. Besides all that, I also volunteer for museums and like to visit them, I like cooking food, learning languages, listening to music, and watching anime. Recently, I’ve also gotten very interested in tea! Honestly, I have so many interests, that I cannot keep up.