
In her blog, Emma writes about superstitious robots. I think this could be a very interesting way to reflect on our own beliefs and why we have them. It could also be very interesting to link this to the meanings of certain rituals and habits, or maybe mental illnesses like obsessive compulsory disorder (ocd). By implementing such behaviours or characteristics in robots, we could reimagine each other's realities and experiences.

One idea could be to implement OCD on a robot. This could help isolate the disorder and create more attention and understanding for people suffering from it, as OCD has many misconceptions. People use the term OCD whenever and wherever they like, forgetting thankst suffering from OCD can be very impactfull on life, hence it being a disorder.

To make it concrete: OC(R2)D(2).

you could make a 'robot' with a simple task, such as calculating simple math, but before it can even process the input, certain rituals have to be excecuted, delaying the productivity of the robot. Rituals could be counting, movements, or symmetry.