Dragon and robot

Dragon/ , is the masterpiece of fictionology. Although there are significant differences in the depiction of dragons between Eastern and Western cultures, this ancient creature's mystical essence has been passed down through generations, persisting in the consciousness of the 21st century.


In Chinese mythology, dragons are depicted as auspicious, benevolent protectors and hold the highest status among animals in Chinese hierarchy. They have long bodies, scales, horns, and feet, and possess the ability to walk, fly, swim, and control the weather. Many Chinese customs are associated with dragons, and their connection to rain is the origin of dragon dances and dragon boat races. 


Western dragons are often portrayed as winged, horned creatures capable of breathing fire, and are seen as malevolent and dangerous beings. The narrative often involves a hero slaying the evil dragon, awakening a princess, and saving the people. Even today, dragons remain common figures in fantasy literature, such as "Harry Potter" and "A Song of Ice and Fire." 

The legend of dragons is so widespread, appearing in every corner of the Earth where ancient civilizations existed, much like the common cold. However, despite historians' investigations, there is no evidence pointing to the existence of "dragons." So, what leads to this collective illusion? Dragons provide people with ample explanations for everyday life; with them, changes in weather or even prolonged droughts become understandable, and the rise and fall of rulers seem rational.

In modern times, scientific knowledge has enabled people to understand rainfall as a natural phenomenon and power as a political game. When people find the mundane of truth, they turn to fantasies and myths about science and technology. That explains why we have created AI and robots, anxiously and tirelessly attempting to prove that machines possess consciousness. Human society seems to crave the existence of an "other." After the disappearance of the dragon myth, will robots become the next myth? 

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