Emma Boom

Artificial Creatures and Where to Find Them

Hi readers!

My name is Emma and this is my page. Apparently I collect artificial creatures now.
You cannot see it on the picture but I'm eating a really nice cone of ice cream there. That and the sunny weather were the reasons why my smile is so big.

I started in psychology and somehow ended up in media technology, but so far the journey has been awesome. I like to do a lot of stuff, but there are some exceptions that I am really passionate about such as ultimate frisbee, drooling over dogs (and petting them if I can) and rating and criticising toilets.

I do not have a portfolio (YET) but my LinkedIn is up to date so you can find me on there!

For your (and my) enjoyment, here is a compilation of dogs in a doggy pension. Guess which one is mine <3