Hi everyone! My name is Esmeralda van Werkhoven, but most people just call me Es. During my life I've had many different interests, resulting in trying various educations. After 6 years I was finally able to formulate the things I want to accomplish; impact through critisism. I like making impact. Shocking people to the core, disgust them, anger them, invoking strong emotions.

I think the world we're living in is ever changing and our freedom is constantly being challenged. I dare you to be your own's best version. To look further than our current society, to have an open mind for weird or progressive ideas. Whether the theme is AI led politics, genetic privacy or the sexual abuse of children. We can do better and we will do better. I will make sure of that.

Interested in how I execute my vision? Check the following links:

Behance — /esmeraldavanwer

Instagram — @es_thetica

Graduation project:  https://www.poweron-project.nl/