Sleep Deprived Creatures

Insomnia Bots

Insomnia bots are another kind of robot that have no specific purpose and deal with the issue of sleeping - or rather not being able to sleep.

As I was researching the topic of sleep for my own "Sleepy Creatures" idea, I found Insomina bots to be the most fitting for finding a way to merge the two sleep-related ideas in this assignment. 

What is it about Insomnia? 

I like the fact that it seems just as useless or pointless as a sleeping robot. The Insomnia bot imitates the behavior of people who suffer from insomnia. Suggesting that the insomnia robot could listen to music, watch TV, grab a snack or toss and turn in the bed - hey! just as the sleepy creatures.

On the other hand, with robots, the question is how to interpret sleep. As an analogy to sleep, robots could be considered to be recharging or switching off. So insomnia in robots would be the inability to go into stand-by mode or to switch off. In itself, this would be a robot that is always on. I think that an Insomnia bot will be particularly exciting if you look at the consequences of Insomnia. After all, the problem with insomnia is not the ability to never need sleep and therefore be ok, but the suffering caused by the consequences of not being able to sleep. And here sleep deprivation sneaks in -experienced by all kind of animals.

Sleep deprivation 

Sleep deprivation has several physiological and mental effects. These include slowed reaction time, impaired concentration, memory difficulties, increased food intake coupled with reduced body mass, challenges in maintaining posture and low stamina, visual disruptions, and manifestations of manic behavior, such as hyperactivity, irritability, aggression, and hypersexuality[1].

Sleep Deprived Creature

So what would a sleep deprived creature do?
Perhaps it makes sense to focus on a behavioral characteristic of sleep deprivation here.
Here are multiple ideas:

- A creature that has difficulty keeping its back straight.
- A hallucinating creature - but maybe it just sees everything twice?
- A creature that reacts very slowly - this shouldn't be too difficult to code!

How are you feeling today?
is the embodied answer to that specific question.

What can you read into the body movement of this creature?
What does the struggle to maintain a straight body posture intuitively tell you about how this creature is doing?
Is it stressed? Was it having a fight with it's creature friends? Did it sleep well?


[1] Orzeł-Gryglewska J. Consequences of sleep deprivation. Int J Occup Med Environ Health. 2010;23(1):95-114. doi: 10.2478/v10001-010-0004-9. PMID: 20442067.