


Humans possess a remarkable innate ability to bring order to their surroundings by implementing various organizational structures. This inclination extends beyond tangible manifestations like architecture to encompass systems such as language and digital infrastructure. From humanities domination over nature on first sight it could be concluded that we are very successful at organizing our environment, however because of the monumental impact of our form of organizing, the consequences are also monumental and perhaps not in every case desirable. The prowess of humanity in organizing is so pronounced that, at times, individuals may become absorbed in the structuring of their environment and inadvertently neglect the human scale. 

The human brain exhibits an inherent predisposition towards recognizing patterns and deriving conclusions from them. Our perceptual faculties are finely attuned to identifying and making sense of patterns, allowing us to create and comprehend structures. This cognitive aptitude not only aids in organizing our immediate surroundings but also contributes to the development of complex systems that define human civilization.

Interestingly, this capacity for organization is not exclusive to humans; it also manifests in the animal kingdom. Animals, too, engage in the creation of structures that serve specific purposes. In the realm of architecture, examples can be found in nests, dams, paths, and other constructions fashioned by various species. These animal-built structures are deliberate and purposeful, revealing an innate instinct for organization within the animal kingdom.

To delve deeper into the fascinating world of animal architecture, one can explore the documentary, which offers insightful examples and showcases the diverse ways in which animals organize their environments through architecture. 

Layering Structures

Termites, ants and wasps amongst others are also  interesting not only because they create architectural structures but also because of the way their societies are organized. Within these insect colonies, distinct hierarchies emerge, assigning specific functions to different types of individuals. This includes roles like workers, guards, and queens responsible for producing offspring, all contributing to the intricate web of tasks required for the colony's survival.

Moving beyond the insect world, mammals such as monkeys and elephants showcase complex social structures The interactions within these mammalian groups involve intricate relationships, cooperation, and even forms of leadership.

It is noteworthy that one form of organization often relies on another structure, highlighting the interconnectedness of these systems. Communication emerges as a crucial element essential for orchestrating individuals into a cohesive society. This is exemplified by various communication systems present throughout the animal kingdom. The diversity of communication methods is explored in greater detail in the accompanying documentary.

Humans & Animals

The disparities in the organizational structures observed across various animal species shed light on the distinct perceptual lenses through which each species interacts with its environment. The diverse ways in which animals organize themselves underscore the nuanced differences in their perceptions of the world. Each species has evolved to prioritize certain aspects of their surroundings, leading to unique organizational patterns that suit their specific needs and ecological niches.

Conversely, the parallels found in organizational strategies among different species offer valuable insights into the fundamental principles governing the functioning of the natural world. Similarities in organization across diverse species suggest common underlying mechanisms and shared strategies for survival and adaptation. This implies a universal set of principles that transcend individual species, reflecting the interconnectedness and interdependence inherent in the broader ecosystem.

Moreover, these shared organizational features also speak to the universality of certain cognitive processes and behavioral traits. The commonalities in how different species structure their societies imply shared cognitive foundations that drive the formation and maintenance of social structures.

In essence, the study of organizational patterns in the animal kingdom not only unveils the unique perceptual frameworks of individual species but also unveils the universal principles that govern life on Earth. It is a testament to the intricate interplay between perception, adaptation, and survival strategies that have shaped the diverse array of organizational forms in the natural world.

Artificial Perception

The organizational structures we create serve as a mirror to our collective perception of the environment. Alternative modes of perception could potentially give rise to diverse and unconventional organizational forms that we couldn't possibly fathom due to limits imposed by our current perception. Intriguing organizational paradigms may lay beyond our current cognitive grasp.

The idea that alternative ways of perceiving the world could lead to novel organizational concepts opens the door to innovation and creativity. By artificially surpassing the constraints of our existing perception, we may discover untapped possibilities for organizing societies, systems, and structures. This exploration extends beyond the boundaries of our current understanding.

This concept invites us to question the assumed universality of our current organizational frameworks and consider the potential diversity that alternative perceptions might introduce. The interplay between perception and organization becomes could be explored by an artificial contraption. Or alternatively, the environment could be altered using a different world logic prompting different ways of organization

Self-Organizing Organisms

Another creature that can be imagined based on the elements in the texts is one that creates its own structure. This could be a language or way of communication, a nest or other structure, architecture or categorization in any form. This could be done with some autonomy and agency given to the creature or the creature could be designed to produce a more specific outcome. Either way a structure building creature could be interesting especially because it is another creature building a creature to build another form of organization. How many rounds can this cycle of creature building creatures be maintained?