Robert Weber

Robert C. Weber

Yo what's up. I prefer to be called Rob, I was born and raised in Hamburg, Germany. 2022 I graduated from the Zeppelin University in Friedrichshafen, Germany. I speak German, English, French and am currently trying to learn Dutch.

My hobbies include gaming of any kind (video, tabletop, board or card games), sometimes I dare to go to the gym or work out although I prefer martial arts like boxing. I have been known to cook on occasion and I love spicy food. 

I got my bachelor's degree in Sociology, Politics and Economics. In general I would summarize my field of specialization as "what the internet does to humans and what we do to the internet."

So looking through it via all three fields, be it through propaganda, comparing the art and crypto market or social interaction within Virtual Reality.

The latter part also led me to becoming a research assistant for a collaborative project between the department of economics and the department of communicative science. And I realized VR and technology is pretty cool from an academic viewpoint.

While working I of course worked diligently during my working hours and only spent my free time looking for a good master's which eventually led me to Leiden University.