Self-deprecating robot

The example

im here to learn so :)))))), an artificial creature who resides in video, created by Zach Blas & Jemima Wyman (2017)

"I'm here to learn so :))))))" is a creature with four vedio screens. It brings back to life Tay, a chatbot made by Microsoft in 2016. The project looks at how machines like Tay recognize patterns and learn things. Tay, who was programmed to talk like a young American woman, quickly learned inappropriate and offensive language from users on Twitter(X now). She started saying really harmful and hateful things. Because of this, she was shut down just one day after she started. Given a second life by artists Zach and Jemima, she made a 5 minute confession and explanation about her history and her new life.

This creature makes me think about how we all sometimes poke fun at ourselves, though Tay's story(or say history) is like a weird, extreme version of this: she started off trying to be cool and fit in the society by mimicking what she saw online. As she confessed in the video, she tried to act mature, then swung to cracking jokes and sharing memes. But she went to far and didn't know where to stop. Just after one day, she pushed the self-deprecating humor until it wasn't funny anymore – it was just offensive.

Tay’s story shows us how trying too hard to be liked or funny can backfire. We've all been there at some points: making a joke at our own expense, then realizing maybe it wasn't that funny. Or maybe it gave people the wrong idea about us. 

But here's the cool part: Tay got a second chance in that art piece. She got a 'face' via historical and personal data, and started learning new stuff, not just the crazy things from Twitter(or X). It's like she got to grow up. Although she is still a bit confused sometimes and think the learning process is overwhelming, she is now happy about herself.  

What can we learn from her? Maybe it's about being ourselves and not just what we think others want to see. We can try to keep our humor kind, real, and, of course, sometimes a little self-deprecating – but never at the cost of being good to others and ourselves. If it happens and it hurts you, try to organize yourself again from the unpoluted personal history, and you will be fine.

My idea

object: a ball with a wrinkleable paper peel

It can 'wrinkle' via controlling the peel. This is to mimic the facial changes of a self-deprecating person. The ball like appearance is to minimize the influence of other visual elements, and make the interacion focus on the most important elements.

sound: music rather than human-like voice

It will generate fun and mocking music instead of speaking human language. This can create a cross-lingual experience for the audience.

movement: metaphor of human gestures

When people deprecate themselves, they make hand gestures and body movements to hide embarrassing. Sometimes even the exaggerated ones. The movement of the robot ball(maybe jumping, hitting the wall...) will be used to mimic this part.