we and the light


After reading Dewi's blog about human's initial curiosity about light, I am impressed by how we as human being still being influenced unconsiously by our animal side. The statement in the blog is very convincing, and makes me feel more connected with the nature. If we pick a random person on the street and ask: are you attracted to light? We might probably not receive a positive answer. But the answer is actually yes, which means that although we sometimes forget, we are still curious about the lights in nature, without even knowing it. 

This revelation can also be applied on many other aspects in terms of creatureness, with a commonality in 'exists in most real creatures including human, but human always forget'. If such a feature can be applied to an artificial creature, it would be interesting to see how audience react to it. Will they starts to remember this feature is actually what they have, or will they insist on not relating to it? Examples I can come up with include: magnetic fields, too-low or too-high sound frequencies...

My description for a light-curious artificial creature

Here is the robot L. L looks like everyone of us: a face, a body, can make emotions, can move... but it is not intelligent nor rational in the way you think you are. Programmed to amplify the animal side of human, it follows its intuition and instinct to perform. Walking around in this dark exhibition room, the only thing L cares for is however not the art works, but the leaked lights coming from the hallway once you come into the room. L is a robot, an animal, a human... Can you see yourself in L?