Small sips of tea

Small sips of tea

Make me smile

Make me contented

Make me experience life with its pauses

As I sip-in my small sips

I experience contentment

Nothing more is needed

Nothing more is desired

As I appreciate the silence inside

As I enjoy the noise outside

As it captures small moments, making them full of bliss

Filling them with what we call life

As it prolongs the pauses

As it enhances the quietness

As I merge the silence inside and the dynamism outside

Neutralising the extremes

Some newness emerges out

Making me ready to go through the variations

Making me fresh to enjoy the rides

Experiences of life seem to diffuse in small sips

Sad ones get absorbed

Happy ones get enhanced

Enabling me to forget the gross and the subtle

And the ‘Self’ expresses itself in the gross making it blissful!

--Minu, 23/4/2022

Theme: Self

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