Craft, Craved, Carved

Goosebumps strike as if cold creep under my skin

Frostbite gnawing my fingers making me lost my touch

Each fragments freeze my brain making me lost in thoughts

Each pieces cuts deep, my sanity fading

The heat become unbearable as my hands damp with sweats

As if my heart pump a steam machine

Blood leaking with each breath overheat

Rip and tear doubt to shreds, burn my lasting slithering dread

Guilt and pride are equal in the scale of pressure

Fear and hunger are two things of the same

Each flip of the coin won't face me and I'm chasing my tail

Play the bad hands, stands the hazard of my death

Be a good loser, off the suit, off the set

Break the stones and break my bones

Break the stick through tricky picks

Build the step brick by brick

Only genuine stories worth to be told

Only the true glory carved into a rough stone

--Ulrich Bahn, 14/3/2024

Theme : Self, Carpe Diam (Sieze the day) / Death