My Dance Routine

I’m dancing in the space 

                       between words

One could think 

                    it’s a lonely place 

                     But it’s more like

Waiting for the doctor

After the cute nurse 

Leaves the room

                                 And also

I’m thinking of an old friend


What does he think

        To know I won’t adhere

To some covenant 

             That only he knows

As if I were…

           A bit predictable

                             A bit naïve

Ignorant - if you will

As if time

                Were at the mercy

          Of the gears 

Of a clock

Oh time

Silly time

                    Like this phone

It always chimes

I only know of death 


                     this silly phone

won’t stop chiming


There was this dream

Where I could fly

                             A reminder

                                 A choice 


I - can’t - really - fly

And so I dance

In the space between words

--J-boat, @TwoJ_Boat on Instagram , 29/3/2024

Theme : Self, Carpe Diam (Sieze the day) / Death