
You were the lighthouse guiding me

To the safe and sandy shore.

Through the tempest,

Through the rocks

To the refuge I searched for.

Before long,

I was your keeper,

Heaving sighs of relief

Like a creaky wooden door,

Satisfied with sleeping

On the safe and sandy shore.

Though now in storms

I'm trapped here,

Adrift in all you swore

That you would keep me safe from

Once on your sandy shore.

I am your keeper.

I am your keeper.

My ship sails nevermore.

Turbulent waters bind me here

Upon your sandy shore.

One would think I pray for a calm breeze

And following seas, therefore.

But I pray for strong and savage winds

To ravage us like war.

So lighthouse, sandy shore, and I

Lie on the ocean floor.

--Anonymous, 10/10/2023

Theme : Love, Betrayal