When I run out of inspiration,

I sit and contemplate

the vastness of the cosmos…

the crumbs left on my plate.

I run around in circles,

let Laundry Mountain grow,

create a stacked-cup tower

Give H.S.N. a go…

I crank up the oldies music,

put on my Elvis suit,

sing into a hairbrush microphone.

In the mirror I look cute.

I do yoga… well not really

I just watch it on TV

This solitaire game is thrilling

I think I’ll just go pee.

I flop prostrate on my bed

and watch the ceiling fan

And, you know?

Before I know it

I’m back to work again.

-- Dottie Mabry, @dottie_mabry on Instagram, 16/11/2023

Theme : Self, Comedic