Kindness to Migrant Workers

“The world is special

We have many different races!

Everyone is welcome"

Well, not from what I saw.

Is it really?

How can I be sure?

The fear of other races...

Is there a cure?

When I walk around my neighbourhood,

Metal boards and caution signs would block my way.

Mommy told me that a new playground was going to be built

for many kids like me to play.

“Those men building it, Who are they?”

“They are migrant workers.”

“In building the world, they have an important purpose”

“They work tirelessly to save for their families back home,

But here, they are all alone.

How would you feel if you were all alone?

I always see them on the bus,

They smile every time I wave at them.

They are not only strong but also kind.

But not everyone feels the same.

Sometimes, people do not give their seats to tired migrant workers,

and start giving them unhappy faces.

Or children being pulled away by their parents,

who point at the migrant workers

“Don’t look at them for too long or they’ll catch you!”

“They smell bad, don’t stand close to them!”

The sad looks on their faces…

Tonight I had a dream

About migrant workers. 

Without their help

What would the world have been?

I see buildings damaged,

I see yellow grass fields.

No playgrounds,

No big builds.

I woke up in a sweat,


My pants are wet

from the fear I felt.

So migrant workers are so important!

I never knew!

They provide reinforcement

To our growing nation.

After a while I went to school.

Then, I saw a worker drop his tools.

I saw him scrambling to pick them up.

I rushed up to help him

pick them up.

His face slowly showed a grin

of happiness genuine.

He then thanked me with all his heart

I then smiled and said

“I’m just doing my part!”

That evening I told my parents 

what had happened.

“Good job !” They said.

Helping them felt really pleasant!

Migrant workers are really important

and nice as well.

If only everyone was kinder to them

This country would be swell

We don't need to do much,

Maybe we could lend them a hand,

Offer them your seat, or a free drink from your lemonade stand!

--Group project, 24/11/2021

Theme : Social Criticism