
Curriculum Intent

We believe that Music at Havant Academy should inspire, challenge and motivate learners so that they build skills of independence, resilience and creativity which in turn promote the Academy values of Work Hard, Be Kind and No Excuses. 

Students are exposed to a broad and aspirational curriculum across KS3 involving deepening their understanding of core and facilitating knowledge of a wide range of musical styles in preparation for the practical and analytical KS4 BTEC Level 2 Tech Award in Music Practice that is offered at the Academy. Students are also encouraged to follow and understand aspects of Music theory which supports the Academy's aim for all students to leave with a reading age at least equivalent to their chronological age.

The musical life of the Academy outside the classroom flourishes with performance opportunities throughout the Academy year enabling students to build their skills further, foster their love of music, performance and composition and celebrate their achievements with the ultimate aim of expanding their horizons.

The Havant Academy Music department includes a team of highly skilled peripatetic music teachers that provide vital developmental support for students on their chosen instrument or voice which are available to all Music students at KS4 with the option to take up lessons at KS3.