"Swan-Bites" is a twice weekly bulletin that includes all general school communications, separated out into either All Pupils or specific Year Groups. If you have any comments/feedback about Swan-Bites please email enquiries@swanmore-sec.hants.sch.uk 

24 May 2023

All Pupils

All Pupils


Pupil Absence/Appointments
Please contact us before 8.30 am on each day of absence/appointments. Absence is a safeguarding concern. Lack of notification results in a text alert querying why your child is absent. You can phone on 01489 892256, choosing Option 1, or email via:







Extractor System Failure

Our extraction system and gas interlocking systems in the main kitchen are now fixed so we are pleased to be able to offer our full menu again.

No Car Park Access

If you are dropping or collecting your child during the day or need to come into college to drop something off, please park on the road or in the village hall car park and then walk onto site. Parents/carers should not be accessing any staff car parks unless it is an emergency or by prior arrangement. Thank you for your understanding. We ask that you drive respectfully when in the vicinity of the college.



We have had several reports of pupils picking up ticks. The field is now open at college, so pupils may be spending their breaks on the grass and using the field during their PE activities. Please can you remind your child to be vigilant. Further guidance can be found on the NHS website: Lyme disease - NHS (www.nhs.uk)


Ghana Meeting

Any pupils who are attending the Ghana trip in July are required to attend a meeting, with their parents/carers, on Thursday 25 May 2023 at 6pm in the Main Hall at the College.


SPA AGM Cancelled

The Swanmore Parents Association AGM that was due to take place on Thursday 25 May 2023 at 6pm has been postponed. It will be rescheduled for the first week after half term. Further details to follow.


Police Cadets

Hampshire Constabulary are looking for young people who would like to become volunteer police cadets. Please see the attached poster and contact them by email if you would like to sign up or find out more.

Year 7

There are no specific items for Year 7 only.

Year 8

There are no specific items for Year 8 only.

Year 9

There are no specific items for Year 9 only.

Year 10

The next Year 10 assessments are taking place from 5 - 16 June 2023. Due to the Year 11 GCSE exams these assessments will take place in class. Your child will be told the dates by their teachers so do please ask them for the information.

Year 11

There are no specific items for Year 11 only.

Please note that any external clubs / events that are advertised here are not endorsed by or directly affiliated with Swanmore College in any way.

If you have any comments/feedback about Swan-Bites please email 
