Mixed Media

Value Strips

9" by 12"

Ink, charcoal, and graphite on drawing paper

Sunset beach

18" by 24"

Ink, charcoal, and graphite on watercolor paper

Artist Statement

The main idea that guided my artwork was the black and white sunset photo I took. I tried to make it look realistic and textured and wanted to portray the same sunset I saw because it was so pretty. The work was made by first grinding the printed photo and the big paper so they are proportional, and then using charcoal to tone the sky. After that, I used ink to draw the beach and sand as well as watered-down ink for the ocean, and then white charcoal to add texture, lightness, and detailing. It took me a really long time to blend everything out and make it look less choppy especially in the sky. I also spent a lot of time using white charcoal to lighten up the sky area directly above the horizon