Janny  Baek Inspired

Janny Baek Inspiration

Front View

Jan. 5, 2023

1' x 9" x  5"

Clay, Clear Glaze, and Underglaze( needle tools, water, wire, other clay tools. 

Arial View

Artist Statement

For this assignment, we were asked to research an artist and create a piece inspired by your artist. We were told to not copy and make it beautiful. I chose Janny Baek as my inspiration because I love her use of form and negative space in her work. She adds in movement well into her pieces and I like how her pieces look natural but also geometric. For this work, I used coils because of the durability and strength I wanted for this piece. I used just clay and a needle tool to help me slip and score. I experimented with the coils in a way that I thought would help me also with my inspiration of jany baek by adding them onto the outside of the for and smoothing them out to make them look similar to my inspiration. I mostly used my fingers to attach and create these forms the way they were because I found this the easiest way to manage them. I overall was just trying to create my form of the lines and movement in my own piece.

Through the use of specific elements of art like texture and form, I liked how the piece turned out. I like how the edges of the lines are a little bit rough but still show some smoothness to the overall shape. I also like the different areas of the form that bludge out and have different 3D areas to them. This idea of having a unique form that looked natural was very important to me. I wanted it to look like it was earthy but also geometric and I feel like this piece overall accomplished that well. I also feel like this piece has a similar feel to the inspiration when thinking about the principle design of movement. The lines and coils on the outside bring a lot of attention the the movement of those lines and create a sort of pattern that looks natural but also intentional(which was my goal). This idea of graphic form and surface pattern evolved from my inspiration 

of Janny Baek and her work which I overall look up to. 

In the end, I thought this piece came out well. I like the design and form this work elevates. I thought these ideas were very evident in the work and I liked the end piece. I want to bring this home and create a short vase out of it. I think this will be a pretty neutral design for a centerpiece of my dining room table. I also am proud of my own touch to this work in adding my personality into it including very personalized outside design but also keeping in my my own inspiration. I am proud of the time that I managed to create this piece and I appreciate the overall outcome. I struggled with the side of the outside design but in the end, this came out well. I started by trying to use wooden tools but overall just using my fingers was the best method. I thought that this came out as a good piece and would be useful in my own home.  


Slip and Score

Adding the details

Arial view

Bone Dry

Bisk Fired