Architecture Investigation 6

Architecture Investigation 6

Paper, Glue

18" x 24"

Artist Statement

For this piece I decided to expand and experiment with processes and materials different to my typical choices. To emphasize my inquiry of , I decided to try and model, without actually making the project three dimensional, layering of horizontal and vertical elements using strips of paper. I specifically wanted to focus on experimenting how layers of these strips of paper can offer both functionality, whether it be in the walk way or as siding, or to offer privacy by weaving together the paper.

This piece was experimental from the beginning, as I had neither a design nor a plan of how I wanted to present this piece. I had a chosen color palette of paper, so I just experimented with layering the different colors and varying orientations until I found a design that I could translate onto my paper.

For this piece, I struggled coming up with a new design for this piece, so in an effort to bring out a new design I began adapting a fairly recent sketch that I was able to reinvent based on what I explicitly wanted to emphasize in this piece. Once I had a basic outline of the horizontal and vertical elements and the strips of paper cut out, I was able to experiment with weaving and layering a variety of different ways. This process was tedious and required a lot of revision as I wanted all of the corners and edges to line up and to make sure strips of colored paper were varied enough to have contrast.