Observational Paint Stick


Oil Paint Sticks

16" x 22"

Artist Statement

This piece was the final of my experimental observational drawings. The aim was to quickly and boldly use oil paint sticks, so in the class time we had left I made a very rough, loose drawing of what was originally Jillian but quickly morphed into a weird face. Primarily, I just wanted to go through all of the colors in the set and see how they blended together, so I was focusing more on the experimental aspect of the medium rather than the composition itself.

There was not much of a plan going into this piece, primarily just to get something onto paper as quickly as possible. I really wanted to make the most out of the medium as well as the size of the paper I was drawing on so I focused on making big, loud strokes with the oil paint sticks. I am typically a very precise, detail oriented person when it comes to drawing so this project forced me to work with the dimensions of the medium and canvas and try something I don't often do.

This piece was through and through an experiment of processes and materials. Revision occurred naturally as I drew, as the oil paint sticks allow you to layer very well. I tried different color combinations, different ways of blending, and in general got more familiar with the medium as I drew.