3D Design

Final Summary Portfolio Reflection

At the beginning of this semesters 3D design class I had no idea how challenging and inspiring the various projects would turn out to be as well as how much I learned about myself and my personal style. The very first project, the paper sculpture, was intended to be made with paper only, which challenged me not only with material but also getting into that three dimensional mindset, especially since I have focused almost entirely on flat work in the past. Despite my struggle throughout this project, it initially illustrated an important strength as a learner and an artist that helped me throughout the remainder of the projects as it showed me my ability to manipulate materials to create intricate details as well as that despite any sort of setbacks it is important to continue to work at it as in the end you will have gained a successful sculpture, and if not a finished project at the very least a gain in knowledge and technical skill. An additional strength I feel is reflected in the above pieces is my attention to detail and effort, though at times I was overzealous which was an important weakness to recognize and reflect upon. In my second work of the semester, the relief sculpture, I had an ambitious vision that initially was only partially fulfilled yet still desired. In this piece I began to think more sculpturally in regards to materials, so looking at the 'natural' characteristics and elements already provided in the material (things like the individual layers of cardboard and how it could be cut, ripped, or manipulated without having to add more). Time management was another weakness I began to notice as the course progressed and as my projects became more complicated. However, with this weakness I also gained an important skill, adapting. With many of my pieces I either had to rush to meet the deadline or adapt to issues and errors in my projects so learning to roll with it and adapt accordingly helped me a lot throughout the projects.

Upon reflection, a majority of my pieces were architecturally themed or using similar construction techniques, which in hindsight offered me plenty of opportunities to improve and refine my techniques. I think in general I work pretty neatly and have a good basis for precise cutting and assembling, so throughout my projects it was about improving my efficiency and how to make the material I use work best for the situation I was in. In regards to general improvement when comparing my sustained investigations from last semesters 2D design class to this semester, I believe my work shows improvement as I really focused on maintaining my inquiry question throughout while creating a variation of work, which is something that I lacked in in the first semester.

From all my projects, the one that was challenging in the most aspects was the hands sculpture. For one, the alginate and plaster cast making was a new process to me, as the alginate had to be quickly poured and mixed, then figuring out how to fit my hands into the small bucket without and pouring the plaster without creating air pockets, and finally the actual sculptural process. My very first inspiration for this piece was entirely additive, my second entirely subtractive, however I needed a mix of the two. Upon reflection I noticed yet another weakness came out during this project, that being that when I have an idea set I am generally unwilling to alter it rather than adapt to it and somewhat closing off good alternatives, this is something I was able to work on for the remainder of the semester. On the whole, I am proud of almost all of my projects as each was in some form successful, however the individual project that I am most proud of this semester would have to be either my relief sculpture or my second sustained investigation. When I finished my relief sculpture I impressed myself by how detailed and realistic I was able to make it and I think this best represents who I am as an artist, my attention to detail. My second sustained investigation is of a similar nature as it felt really innovative compared to my typical architecture and I felt and still feel like I can really take this piece somewhere.

For the future, I will certainly continue to use the skills I gained in both the 2D and the 3D design course, and in regards to techniques learned I want to further explore making models, both out of wood and cardboard but also get more comfortable with using SketchUp and 3D printing. As I want to pursue a career in architecture, being familiar with using modern tools and techniques is something that I can continue to build upon. One additional thing I would like to do this summer is sew the dress I originally wanted to make for my sustained investigations as I was unable to at the time.