Foundations of Art

My overall experience in this class was absolutely amazing, I loved learning about the different styles of art and creating so many different pieces. Every maroon day I looked forward to coming to art class because I knew how much fun I would have creating art. I absolutely loved experimenting with each different medium. When I signed up for this class as a freshman my intention was to be exposed to all different types of art since I wasn’t sure how to do that on my own and I found exactly what I was looking for with this class. I loved being able to try out new art forms and I found two that I ended up picking as my medium of choice for when I create art on my own: Acrylic paint and linoleum prints. At first, when I went into high school I didn’t think I would ever take an art class but when I started getting into art on my own I wanted more exposure so I joined foundations and I absolutely loved it.

My work shows how I improved by showing the skills I have acquired throughout the past year. When I started in this class I didn’t know how to mix colors with paint to create accurate shades which can be seen in pieces of art like my history inspired project, but when you look at my color design project I am able to effectively mix shades to create a piece with 84 different colors which I would have never been able to do at the beginning of the year. I can also see this in my surrealism collage because I was able to blend paint together to create different shades of green/brown to make it look semi-realistic. I also improved greatly on realism art and although realism isn’t the art I choose to make on my own I improved greatly and you can see this when you compare my realistic self-portrait to my duck stamp. When I did my self-portrait I didn’t know how to draw realistically and it ended up not really looking like me but when I did my duck stamp it turned out pretty good and realistic and I ended up getting an honorable mention for it which I never thought in a million years would happen especially with a realistic research-based piece.

The most challenging thing I did this year was the realistic pieces we did like the self-portrait, the mixed media piece, as well and the duck stamp. The reason why these pieces were so challenging for me was because I never had much experience with realistic art and so I wasn’t really sure how to go about it and with little to no practice it turned out to be quite difficult to create but I ended up finishing it and I ended up being really proud of the duck stamp which was one of the last realistic pieces we did so that showed improvement since I wasn’t proud of any of my other realistic pieces.

The project I am most proud of is either my duck stamp or my linoleum pieces because those were the two projects that I felt really good about after creating them. Once they were done I felt confident turning them in and felt like I was going to get a good grade which made the experience of creating them that much better. I ended up getting a honorable mention for my duck stamp which made me even more proud than I already was.

My artistic goals for this summer is to create my own line of t-shirts that I created with the block printing technique and in order to do this I need to get a lot of t-shirts, more colors of fabric ink, and more linoleum blocks, I will also need to come up with different designs as well.