Painting with developer

This was my favorite assignment so far. I did have a bit of trouble getting started because my film wouldn't come out correctly. The problem I had was there was too much lighting inside where I took the photos and it didn't develop the way I wanted. After I got that sorted out everything went fine. I made a new role of film and picked out two pictures I liked and printed them normally. After I printed them normally I printed them on the paper but didn't put the whole thing in the developer. Instead I took things like spray bottles filled with developer and paint brushes dipped in it and made cool designs on the image and then I put in in the stop and fix to make it only show parts of the photos. I really liked this process because it allowed me to be even more creative with my photos. I think all of my photos came out good but none of them are my favorites because I feel like I could do better the next time I do it.