Time Capsules

Self Portrait


Graphite Pencils on Drawing Paper

Still Life


Graphite Pencils on Drawing Paper



Graphite Pencils on Drawing Paper

For each art piece we were given things to draw. The first requirement was to spend at least twenty minutes on a self portrait, I ended up spending around forty minutes on this one. The second requirement was to draw a still life, and object that doesn't move. We were asked to spend twenty minutes on this as well. The object I chose was one of my friends lunch boxes. For the last one we were asked to draw a corner of a room. For this, the same as all the others, we were asked to spend twenty minutes on this final sketch. I drew my grandparents guest bed room.

I only used two materials. The two materials where a graphite pencil and a piece of drawing paper. For the self portrait I used a mirror as well. With the still life I just looked at the object and drew it to the best of my abilities. With the room I did the same thing as the lunch box, except this time I looked at a conner of a room.

To complete all this I spent at least twenty minutes on each one. Carefully examining my object or space. I did erase a lot. I couldn't find something that I thought looked right or good. Once I found what I thought looked right I just did a sketch of it. This completing my assignment.