About me

My name is Braelyn Boucher. I was born in Maine. I have a sister. I play soccer; wing, and lacrosse; goalie. I enjoy going to the beach and swimming in the ocean. I like whales. I like listening to music and watching concerts. I want to be a concert photographer. In five years I want to be in college majoring in business and photography. I don't really know what I'm proud of. In my free time, I like to go to the ocean. My favorite photographer is Lloyd Wakefield. People describe me as kind, fun, and creative. I'm in this class because I want to be a photographer.

By Lloyd Wakefield

I like this one because he is pointion to anouther object and I like the dull colors

By Lloyd Wakefield

I like this one because its not just one subject

By Lisa Lake

I like this one because it shows a moment in time that wasnt planned

By Lloyd Wakefield

I like this one because its simple


I like this one because of the colors