Foundations of Art

Negative space

4 Drawings

"Let someone live to your beat"

'Sea Turtle'



'Watter Lilly'

'Make a Wish'

Art Reflection

Foundations of art, this year, has been really fun. I really enjoyed the projects we did and even though my class was kinda obnoxious, it was still really fun! I think my art can show my weaknesses and strengths as a learner because I struggled with some things but others were really easy. I went into this year loving art but not being great at it. I still don't think all of my work is great but one thing I learned is most good or realistic art pieces come from a lot of hard work, paceance, determination, and a lot of time. I learned that the longer you look at a piece of your art work, or at least for me, the more you start to hate it and see all the flaws you could have fixed. I just kinda had to put those thoughts asideand trust the process all the way through.  

I think my work shows that I improved because if you look at a couple of the first assignments I did, none of them are that great. Although once in a while they turned out amazing and I was really proud with the finished product. I think that my art improved in some spots or some parts of the art work and not in others. I think that the biggest thing to prove that I have improved my work is that I'm now a lot more paciant and I take more of my time to make sure that I like it and think it came out right. I think that most challenging project I had to do this year was the independent project. I just couldn't figure out what I wanted to do. I went through several different projects and didn't like a single one. I think the reason this was so hard was because I didn't know how big this project had to be. I didn't know what would be a good final product. I think the final product I came out with was pretty good and I think it will get a good grade but it took me so long just to decide on that one.

The project I am the most proud of is probably the donate life project. Although it didn't win any type of reward, it is still my favorite and what I think the best project I have done. I just really like how simple but not too simple it is. I like the idea of the color coming from the headphones and I feel like it was really appropriate for the theme and my little saying on the cord. I came up withhe phrase 'Let someone live to your beat'. I really liked this because it was referencing a heart, wich I included in the cord of the headphone wich I though was really good, but it could also work for the beat of music. I just though this was really creative overall.

My goals for the summer are to create something, weatherits on the beach in the sand, in the woods, or just at home I want to make something really cool everyoneina while. I think learning about allt these  different materials and techniques I will have a lot more varitiy on what to make. Ever since I was little I alwaysed loved making things with my grandma, sister, and cousins but now I think I will have a lot more things that I could make. I could make just a regular painting or something like the assablage sculpture. I could make a drawing or I could use wire to make some rings or another sculpture. I think I have a lot more options now and can't wait to use them.