Stockpiled Materials

Learning > Record Pages > Stockpiled Materials


The Construction Stockpiled Materials record allows users to record the amount of Stockpiled Materials for an identified Pay Item on an identified Construction Contract and Project. The compilation of selected Stockpiled Materials entries will then be used to determine the allowable Stockpiled Materials payments on selected Pay Estimates. This allows for consistent and uniform control when determining the value of Stockpiled Material amounts on Pay Estimates. It also provides a tool equivalent to the prior SiteManager functionality.

PMWeb Location: Navigation Bar > Costs > Stockpiled Materials

Available Reports: Stockpiled Material Report

Job Aids

Record Guidance

This record is used to add stockpiled materials to a project. You may add stockpiled materials manually, but for ease of use, the PMWeb team has implemented a chat tool. To use it, click the "Add Stockpiled Materials" button located on top of the Stockpiled Material table. 

Add Stockpiled Materials WalkMe button

Report Guidance

Report Guidance is TBD.

Workflow Guidance

The Stockpiled Materials record does not have a workflow. There is no need to submit this record.


Why does my Stockpiled Materials report show a Pay Estimate Total that differs from the sum of the Installed Items lines? 

The Pay Estimate Total figure reflects the total pay item quantity from the associated Pay Estimate. Conversely, the Installed Items line(s) merely show only the amount by which the stockpile for that item changed as a result of that specific Pay Estimate. Thus, if the stockpile is depleted and additional items are installed on the Pay Estimate, the numbers may differ.