Guided Help

Use in-system support

This page labels and describes functionality shown in guided help. Scroll down, or use the hyperlinks to the right to navigate to a specific section of the page.


Guided Help video

Access Guided Help

What is Guided Help?

Guided Help provides in-system guidance for specific tasks and workflows. Users can utilize this tool anytime they need guidance with navigation and/or understanding a specific PMWeb feature.

Guided help menu within PMWeb.


The Guided Help button is located under the Modules Menu, right below the Exit button. Use Guided Help anytime you need help with navigation or understanding a feature.


Clicking the Guided Help button opens a pop-up menu of in-system guidance. Click on the orange arrow to expand a menu or search for your question in the search bar.


If you find an error with within a Guided Help WalkMe, please report the issue by clicking the green Request Help button under the Guided Help button.

Project Flow Diagram

To open the project flow diagram, click the Project Flow Diagram button from the Guided Help menu. This diagram shows you the flow of a project and what each role is responsible for. Each step is clickable and links to the relevant record for that step.

Guided help menu within PMWeb emphasizing the project flow diagram button
Project flow diagram.

Types of Guided Help

Clicking on the PMWeb System Guidance button from the Guided Help Menu takes you to the Record Pages page on the PMWeb Support Site.

Example of a step-by-step instruction for guided help. It shows a bubble with the instruction pointing to the field that needs to be filled or clicked on.

Step-By-Step Instructions

Step-by-step instructions display individual tasks that need your input.

Example of a tool tip within PMWeb. It appears as a question mark inside a small blue circle. Hovering over it will give you more information on that specified field.

Tool Tips

The question marks inside blue circles contain additional field information.

Example of a help button within PMWeb. It has the record and the word "help" inside a small orange button with a white infill.

Help Buttons

Help buttons open the Guided Help prompts for the active record.

Example of a more info button. It has the words "more info" inside an orange bubble with a white infill.

More Info Buttons

More Info buttons open the relevant webpage for the active record.