What's next for PMWeb?

While PMWeb is live across the state today, development continues to expand and improve functionality. CDOT staff play a central role, so please contribute your ideas – into PMWeb or through your SMEs. 

The PMWeb System Admin dashboard below provides a view into upcoming functionality, support of existing functionality, and system ideas submitted for improving PMWeb.

A decorative image that acts as a hyperlink to the PMWeb Test environment.
A decorative image that acts as a hyperlink to the PMWeb System Idea form.

How do I access Power BI dashboards?

If you can't view the dashboard above, reference CDOT's Power BI website if you need guidance on signing into Power BI. This PMWeb System Admin dashboard is also available in CDOT's Power BI cloud.

Help Improve PMWeb

We need your ideas to improve PMWeb for the benefit of your colleagues. Once you are in PMWeb, the best way to share ideas is within PMWeb -- through System Ideas. Go to the lower left of the PMWeb interface under Guided Help. Your ideas will be automatically routed to the PMWeb team.

Check out the PMWeb System Admin dashboard above to monitor submissions. 

How do we work together to expand PMWeb?

CDOT's PMWeb Configuration & Release Cycle provides a consistent process framework to bring together CDOT staff to collaborate on PMWeb development - from "what" we want to configure in PMWeb to releasing that configuration to staff. The PMWeb Configuration Framework record is used to manage work activities in this cycle. This data flows to the dashboard above.

PMWeb Configuration - Release Cycle.pdf

PMWeb Team Structure

While staff from around the state contribute to the development and support of PMWeb, the core team members are noted below. SMEs per record type are noted in the PMWeb System Admin dashboard above. 

PMWeb Team Structure.pdf

Release Notes

SEA Tech Assessment - Release 12/22/23

Informational Release - Training Forthcoming

Description and Purpose:

The SEA Technology-SEA Assessment is a high-level check-in at the beginning of the project for Project Managers (PMs) to determine the degree of SEA scope and resources. It aids in determining applicability of the SEA to a project and identifies project funding streams.  The SEA Technology-SEA Assessment record is required on all projects while remaining SEA records are only applicable to those projects with a technology aspect.  SEA documentation is only applicable to the technology aspect(s) of a project.


Completing the SEA Technology-SEA Assessment record sets clear expectations at the beginning of the project about required deliverables, resulting in higher quality deliverables at the end of a project.  Having a SEA Technology-SEA Assessment record completed on all projects allows the ITS & Network Services Branch to proactively manage resources to ensure timely support of projects.  Having the SEA Technology-SEA Assessment as a PMWeb record creates collaboration, consistency, transparency, and accountability in the SEA processes, which includes ensuring compliance with 23CFR940.11(c)(1) for identification of portions of the regional ITS architecture being implemented, compliance with 23CFR940.11(c)(5) procurement options, consistent use of the CDOT ITS Architecture Plan and basic requirements for each type of technology system, ensures technology projects maximize taxpayer dollars, provides better upfront planning during design, and creates an opportunity to plan for asset management and maintenance activities early in the project delivery life cycle.

Additional Notes:

ITS manages and monitors the Systems Engineering Analyses (SEA), which is a project delivery process focused on technology and is required per 23 CFR 940.  The SEA is required on all projects with a technology component.  Having ITS manage the SEA processes and forms in PMWeb will enable transparency for the project delivery team into the status of the SEA on projects in order to ensure compliance with applicable regulations and FHWA.  The SEA process has been classified as a high risk process for the last several years. Some of these contributing factors include: (1) Timeliness - Developing documents at the appropriate stage is key to maximizing the benefit of each document and ensuring solutions can be identified before deployment of a technology. In the current process, Design/Construction Project Managers are being informed of the SEA scope too late in the design phase to adequately prepare the deliverables. Additionally, there is no submission schedule for Design / Construction Project Managers to understand when documents should be submitted.  (2) Quality - CDOT does not have established templates for SEA deliverables which causes expectations to be unclear within CDOT. This lack of expectations results in the SEA deliverables often not meeting the intended purposes and meeting all of the requirements of 23 CFR 940. 11.  (3) Ownership - The SEA process could be better integrated within the overall Project Delivery Process and have more clearly defined roles and responsibilities between Design / Construction Project Managers and the ITS specialty to ensure Project Success.

ROW Tracking - Release 12/22/23

Informational Release - Training Forthcoming

Description and Purpose

The purpose of Right of Way Tracking is to provide the ROW group with a way to track ROW information as it moves through the ROW process.


Having the ROW Tracking in PMWeb allows for ROW information to be captured, tracked, and viewable in a central location.  This would replace any offline tracking.


The ROW specialty group is responsible for acquiring real property (temporary and/or permanent acquisition) and related activities in support of CDOT projects. While not all projects involve acquisition, all projects must receive ROW Clearance before proceeding with advertisement. The ROW specialty group’s work is a key component of project delivery.  Having the ROW group manage their project work in PMWeb will enable bidirectional communication between the PM and ROW group and  transparency for the project delivery team into the complexity and status of the ROW group’s work, including showing iterative design changes and correlating ROW modifications, in order to ensure accuracy of scheduling projects with the ROW components, in mind.

Development FAQs

What are SMEs? How many SMEs are part of PMWeb configuration?

The subject matter experts (SME) have a thorough understanding of specific CDOT processes and is an expert in their respective area – providing the knowledge and expertise in a specific subject for the project. SME team responsibilities include, as part of the PMWeb Configuration Cycle:

SME teams are generally limited to one (1) SME per region and one (1) SME for HQ, for six (6) staff total. Limiting the number of SMEs is a critical factor in success of this PMWeb implementation so that there is a singular voice per group. It is expected that each SME will coordinate with staff in their respective region or at HQ. The single SME per region or HQ will represent the needs of their respective group. 

See the PMWeb System Admin dashboard on the Development page for your group's SMEs. 

How should I request an additional PMWeb report?

Use the System Ideas record in PMWeb. This record accessible within the PMWeb interface - bottom left corner of the screen. 

While you are submitting your idea, it is highly recommended you attach a file representing specifically what you would like the report to contain and the respective layout. Once submitted, following a technical feasibility review, report requested are routed for feasibility and, if appropriate, to development, testing, and release. 

The WalkMe in-system guidance is not clear for a record or the record-specific webpage could use some more details to help staff. How do I request additions or changes?

Use the System Ideas record in PMWeb. This record accessible within the PMWeb interface - bottom left corner of the screen. 

While you are submitting your idea, it is highly recommended you attach a file representing specifically the details you recommend be added and where. Once submitted, following a technical feasibility review, WalkMe or webpage  requested are routed to the training lead for further evaluation and implementation. 

What projects are integrated with SAP?

After a project is created in PMWeb, it can be integrated with SAP by entering the SAP PCN into the PMWeb Project Record. Integration will only occur if it is one of these project profiles. If you have a need for integration to include additional project profiles, please submit a System Idea.