Navigation Basics

Move nimbly in and around records, pages, and reports in PMWeb

A Quick Note on PMWeb

PMWeb is a modular software, meaning different parts of a project information live in different areas within the system. Users are empowered to focus work in specific areas as needed during the timeline of the project without needing to open and navigate an entire project record every time. The image below shows the different areas of the PMWeb home screen, or landing page.

Learn How to Navigate

Click on any of the sections below to learn more about navigating a specific area, function, or feature of PMWeb.


PMWeb home page.

Learn about the sections and features on the PMWeb Home page.


PMWeb modules menu.

Learn about the various modules and their constituent record types.


A PMWeb record.

Learn how to navigate standard record tabs like Main, Attachments, and Notes.


PMWeb dashboards and reports page.

Learn how to navigate standard report sections like filters.

Manager Page

Manager page in PMWeb.

Learn how to navigate Manager Page table when searching for specific records.


An example of a grid in a PMWeb record.

Learn how to navigate standard table functionalities within records.