Project Insights & Analytics

The power of real-time data at your fingertips. Leverage meaningful project data to deliver CDOT's construction program. Project reports and dashboards listed below. 

Reports in PMWeb

From report to action: PMWeb reporting providing drill-down from report to record to take action. Top reports are highlighted below, followed by a full report inventory.

PMWeb report access: Log into PMWeb, then 'Dashboards & Reports' tab. Options: 'In My Court' link on main landing page or a record's printer icon.

Program: Project Health 

Excerpt from the Project Health report.

Stoplight-based report with drill-down to sub reports and records.

Program: Milestone Look Ahead

Excerpt from the Schedule Milestone Look Ahead report.

Gantt-style view of project milestones across a program.

Program Status

Excerpt from the Program Status report.

Table per project summarizing key data. Stoplights aligned with Project Health report.

In My Court

Excerpt from the In My Court report.

Personal dashboard of all workflow tasks, deliverables assignments, project roles, and other assignments. Access to all reports.

Deliverable Summary

Excerpt from the Deliverable Summary report.

Cross-project view of all deliverables including discipline and staff assignments. Sorted by due soonest (or most overdue).

Program Forecast

Excerpt from the Program Forecast report.

Project forecasts, plus schedule and financial data used to generate the forecasts. Variance between forecast and actuals. 

PMWeb Report Inventory

PMWeb Report Inventory.pdf

How to access reports

Reports are primarily accessed within PMWeb, providing click-through interaction from report to record.  

Reports locations:

Reports may also be received via email. This typically results from record workflow task assignments and notifications.

How to adjust report filters

PMWeb reports all have filters at the top of reports (arrow in the center of the top tan header). 

 Dashboards in Power BI

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for a dashboard

Immersive interaction with project data through dashboards.  All PMWeb data flows to dashboards, updated at 7am and 12 noon every day. Top dashboards are highlighted below, followed by a full dashboard inventory.

Dashboard access: Click Program Delivery with PMWeb for an app of all PMWeb dashboards. Direct access to specific dashboards are below. Additional options: Log into PMWeb, then tabs across the top. Same dashboards are linked on 'Dashboards & Reports' tab and 'In My Court' of the same landing page. 

Excerpt from the Project Management dashboard.

Stoplight-based project health across a program. Milestone status. Open deliverables. PM update narratives.

Excerpt from the Specialties dashboard.

Specialty-focused content including Env 128 status, milestones, open deliverables, and related info.

Excerpt from the Forecasts dashboard.

Current year and total project forecasts across the state with XPI metric.

Dashboard Inventory

PMWeb Dashboard Inventory.pdf

How to access dashboards

Dashboards can be accessed from the PMWeb interface (Home screen tabs) and CDOT's Power BI cloud environment. 

Your login is window username + (ex:, and your VPN password. 

For additional guidance logging in, see the CDOT Power BI website

How to adjust dashboard filters

Dashboard filters are always located on the right side of the Power BI interface. Any area within on the dashboard can also be clicked to automatically filter the dashboard to that data point. 

Data Source Changes

A key benefit of PMWeb is centralizing project data. As we expand this central platform, PMWeb will become the new source for certain project records moving from SAP and other systems to PMWeb. These are highlighted below. 


Previous in SAP, milestones are not managed within project schedules in PMWeb.


Previous called "drawdowns" (terminology originating from RAMP) in SAP, forecasts are now generated within PMWeb Forecast records. This leverages standard functionality that combines construction contract values, respective expenditures, and construction begin/end dates from the schedule.

Environmental NEPA Determination - Project Certification (form 128)

Previously in PDF forms and some data capture in SAP, these are now records within PMWeb, incorporating workflow for approval. 

Submit a System Idea for a report or dashboard