Records Navigation

Navigate among the standard tabs present in most record types

This page labels and describes functionality shown on most records. Scroll down, or use the hyperlinks to the right to navigate to a specific section of the page.

Record toolbar

Main record tab header with labeled icons.

Main Tab

Main Record tab with labeled icons.

Notes Tab

Record notes tab with labeled icons.

1. Notes Tab: Click to access the Notes tab.
2/7. Add: Click the add button (#2) or the plus button (#7)  to add a new note to the record. Once selected, the notes preview screen will show up on the right side of the screen. Add your notes in the text area. Once completed click Save. Note: all notes will log who entered the information as well as time and date stamp them.
3. Edit: Edit existing notes associated with the record.
4. Delete: Delete existing notes associated with the record. To delete a note, click on the line shown in the table, then click Delete.
5. Refresh: Click to refresh the Notes tab.
6. Layouts: Manage the notes layout (e.g., the item, description fields, etc.)

Attachments Tab

Record attachments tab with labeled icons.

1. Attachments Tab: Click to access the Attachments tab.

2/3. Add attachment: Click Add to add an attachment (#2) or drag and drop files into the main area (#3). 

4. Edit attachment: Right click the attachment to edit (view, download, add, delete).

Notifications Tab

Record notifications tab with labeled icons.

1. Notifications Tab: The Notifications Tab for every record displays a log of all of the Notifications that have been sent from this record. Once an email notification is sent, it will show a number in parenthesis in the tab such as: Notifications (1). This provides an audit trail of when you sent the email, to who, etc.

2. Edit: Click on the notification you would like to edit to highlight it, then click the edit button (#2) to edit specific columns. To edit the content of the notification, click on the link for the notification under the ID column. This will launch the notification dialog box. 

3. Add: Click the add button to add a new notification. 

4. Delete: Click on the notification you would like to delete to highlight it, then click the delete button (#4). 

5. Refresh: Click to refresh the Notifications tab.

6. Layouts: Manage the notifications layout. It is recommended that users retain the CDOT default layout.

7. Scroll/Show Items: Use the arrows to scroll through notifications (typically used if there is a lot of data, several pages, etc.). The page size displays the number of notifications you want to appear on the screen. Utilize the drop down menu to change the number of items on a page.

General Record Tips & Tricks



Toggle buttons are on when dark gray and off when white.

Additional CC fields

Additional CC fields

When adding email addresses in the "Additional CC" line, ensure they are separated by commas (not semicolons) and no spaces


Invalid:, OR; 

Keep exploring.