Finals Findings

Learning > Record Pages > Finals Findings


The Finals Findings record enables Finals Administrators to identify and validate variances in planned vs. actual construction costs.

PMWeb Location: Navigation Bar > Records module > Final Findings

Available Reports: Authorized Item Quantities Report (in Pay Estimates record)

Job Aids

The Finals Findings job aids are currently under review. When approved by appointed regional experts, the job aids will be posted in the Tips & Tricks Library, linked below. To access an early draft of the job aid, please contact your region PMO representative.

Record Guidance

There are several types of records relevant to the Finals Findings process:

Report Guidance

The video below demonstrates the automation that occurs when a user runs the Authorized Item Quantities Report. The automation takes approximately 15 seconds and will open the report in a new window. For the optimal viewing experience, watch this in full screen and change the quality settings to 1080p.

Note: this video has no sound and is meant to illustrate an automated process.

Screen Recording - Demo of the Authorized Items Quantity Report automation (Video) (No Sound)

The following reports are available for use in conjunction with the Finals Findings record:

Workflow Guidance

This record does not have a formal review and approval process, and therefore does not contain Workflow functionality

If desired, users may leverage the Collaborate functionality to request input from specialty groups.


I assigned an item to someone with the "Assign To" column in the Finals Findings record table. Why haven't they been notified?

Merely assigning a PMWeb user in the Finals Findings record table won't notify them -- it's just a way to show them which line of the table is pertinent to them. You must also send a formal Collaboration request to the user via the Collaboration tab.

If I've been asked to collaborate on a Finals Findings record, why can't I edit the record?

Only Finals Administrators have the ability to edit Finals Findings records. As a collaborator, you will provide input by adding information to (1) other records (e.g. Daily Diaries) and/or (2) the Comments section of your review. As much as possible, keep communications between you and the Finals Administrator in PMWeb (rather than 

How do I know if a Finals Administrator has requested my input on a Finals Finding record?

If a Finals Administrator requires your input, they will notify you via the Collaboration function within PMWeb. This means you will (1) receive an email notification from PMWeb, and (2) a request will show up in your "In My Court" section when you log in to PMWeb.