Spec Added Items

Learning > Record Pages > Spec Added Items


The Spec Added Items record enables users to record identified yet unplanned conditions, incidents, services, and materials as part of a project. To add a line for a Spec Added Item to a Daily Diary, a user must first create a Spec Added item record.

PMWeb Access: Navigation Bar > Costs module > Spec Added Items

Available reports: None

Job Aids

Record Guidance

The Spec Added Items record requires several data inputs on the Main tab. These data inputs include:

Some fields on the Main tab are pre-filled and do not require data entry. They may be edited if necessary. These fields include:

Some fields on the Main tab can't be changed.  These fields include:

Report Guidance

There are no reports associated with the Spec Added Items record.

Workflow Guidance

The Spec Added Items record has one Workflow step. After a user submits the record, it goes to the Project Engineer for review and approval. If the submitter is the Project Engineer, they can immediately approve their own record in the Workflow tab.


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