Time Count

Learning > Record Pages > Time Count


Time Count records log the contract time based on workable days and the daily weather data. If a day is considered not workable for a half or full day, the rationale should be documented in the Time Count record. Signed Time Count records (Form 262 or 263) are needed for Calendar or Working Day Contracts, but weather data should be provided for completion date contracts as well.

PMWeb Location: Navigation Bar > Records > Time Count

Available Reports: Weekly Time Count Report

Job Aids

Record Guidance

Each calendar day recorded via a Time Count record is classified as one of the following via the Initial Decision field: 

No Charge and Half Working Days must also be accompanied by a reason via the Initial Credit Reason field. 

Note: Once an initial decision has been identified and the record has been saved, do not attempt to edit the field. If a change to the initial decision must be made, add an adjusted decision in the "+ Add Adjustment" table. 

Report Guidance

Users may leverage the Weekly Time Count report to view a summary of any week's Time Count records. 

Workflow Guidance

There is no Workflow for the Time Count record.


How can I see all time that's been charged to a project? 

If you'd like to view time that's been charged to a project, run the PowerBI report called "Time Charging". To access this report, log in to PMWeb, click on the "Dashboards & Reports" tab on the Home page, and click on "Time Charging" in the "Dashboards (Power BI)" reporting section.