Daily Diaries

Learning > Record Pages > Daily Diaries


The Daily Diary record enables project teams to log (1) contractor activities and (2) installed quantities that are approved for payment. Daily Diary records automatically link to Time Count records for the same date. Pay Item Current Quantity entries from the Daily Diary records may be incorporated into Pay Estimates.

PMWeb Location: Navigation Bar > Records module > Daily Diaries

Available Reports: Daily Diaries Summary Report

Job Aids

Record Guidance

Project: Select the project from the dropdown menu. Prerequisite: an existing Project record in PMWeb to which you are assigned. 

Report Date: The Report Date column auto-populates with today’s date. To submit a Daily Diary for a previous day, update the date. 

Record Number: No action. Auto-populates with your user information and a number.

Category: Select Correction Report only if making edits to an entry that has been approved or conditionally approved. When submitting a Correction Report, enter addition/deduction values rather than replacement values. (Example: if you previously entered a quantity of 7 but it should have been 5, in the correction report, the quantity should be -2.)

Post to Non-Commitment Costs: The default value is checked. Leave it as is. 

Status/Revision: The Status is pre-filled. Leave it as is. You will never edit this field as it comes attached to the Status field, which is automatically tied to the Workflow.

Contract: Select the contract from the dropdown menu. Prerequisite: an existing Contract record in PMWeb affiliated with the previously selected Project record. 

Location Pane

The Location Pane is to the left of the table. If hidden, expand it by clicking on the "..." in the middle of the thin gray bar to the left of the table. 

Project teams should agree upon locations and location naming conventions at the project's outset. Add a previously agreed upon location by right-clicking in the empty white pane and entering a location name. Right-click on any Location to add a Sub-Location or right-click on Sub-Locations to make lower-level Sub-Locations. You may drag and drop a location into the table to create a new line item. This is the primary means of creating entry lines on the Daily Diary table. See the video for details.

Note: This video has no audio. If it's blurry, click the cog icon and select 1080p (HD).

Workflow Guidance

Daily Diaries that are "Final Approved" can't be edited again. If you are presented with the option to Final Approve a Daily Diary, don't select it. Diaries will be approved automatically,


If I want to add a quantity and a daily diary for a certain location, do I need to add two line items, or just one?

Activities and quantities, even of the same location, should be on separate line items.

Can I use this record in the field when I don’t have cell service?

If using the PMWeb mobile application, enter a description in the App Description field. When back in cell service or the office, transfer the description from this field into the “Description” field.

How do I select and edit multiple lines in the table?

Highlight the line you want to update by clicking on the line, then clicking the Edit button from the top menu bar. You can also double-click on a line to edit it without having to click the Edit button.

Once all lines are selected, click Edit.

How do I expand the "Notes" field in the table?

After double-clicking the line you would like to edit, click on the icon with the three dots next to the notes field under the "Notes" column to expand the view.

How do I add a location or sub-location?

There is a difference between sublocation and location depending on where the user right clicks.

To add a location, place your cursor anywhere in the white space of the location pane and right-click on your mouse and select “Add Location”. Type in your location name and hit the Enter key on your keyboard.

To add a sub-location, click on an existing location. Then, right-click on your mouse. Type in your sub-location name and hit the Enter key on your keyboard.

Why can't I change or edit a Daily Diary?

You can't change a Daily Diary once it has been approved. 

Do I have to create one Daily Diary record per day, or can I create one Daily Diary record and then add Diary and Quantity lines to the record for subsequent days as time goes on? 

While it is possible to create one Daily Diary record that spans multiple days, regional SMEs recommend users to create one Daily Diary for each day that they are on the job site. This is because having one Diary that spans multiple days makes it hard to track what was installed on each day as PMWeb doesn't allow users to enter a date. Furthermore, users who create one Diary that spans multiple days will have to create individual Time Count records for the days covered by the Diary as Time Counts are automatically created from the Daily Diary date.

Do I need to upload Daily Diaries into ProjectWise?

No, the data will be extracted from PMWeb and migrated to OnBase. No action is needed from those creating Daily Diary records.