Retainage Automations

Learning > Record Pages > Retainage Automations


The Retainage automation controls the application and release of retention on Construction Contracts as part of Pay Estimate processing. It will apply the retainage settings to applicable Pay Estimates. This allows consistent and uniform control of retention on applicable Construction Pay Items in conformance with CDOT specifications, while also addressing unique retainage situations.

PMWeb Access: Navigation bar > Costs > Pay Estimates

Available reports: None

Job Aids

Record Guidance

Retainage adjustments may be made in the "Additional Info" tab of the Pay Estimates record. 

Retainage Main Tab

Reduce Retainage: 

Release Retainage: 

Reports Guidance

Please reference the Reports Guidance section on the Pay Estimates page. 

Workflow Guidance

Please reference the Workflow Guidance section on the Pay Estimates page. 


Why is it not letting me adjust the retainage on the record?

Retainage can only be adjusted on Pay Estimates that are in a Draft or Return state. Check to see if you are trying to adjust retainage on an approved Pay Estimate.