Mission Statement

Our Mission

As a Catholic school of faith and learning with Gospel values at our core, we strive to ensure that all members of our community are treated with respect and dignity, in a safe, caring and nurturing environment to become the best versions of themselves, using their God given talents to make a positive difference to the world.

Successful and Confident

As a Catholic school we are committed to the search for knowledge and understanding in the pursuit of excellence.

In partnership with parents and carers, pupils and staff we will

  • develop and nurture the spiritual, physical, intellectual, moral, social and emotional well-being of all our young people.

  • encourage high expectations for academic and personal achievement.

  • offer programmes of learning, appropriate to the needs of the individual.

  • achieve the highest standard of teaching and make best use of all available resources.

  • improve the digital literacy skills needed to live, learn and work in a digital society.

Supported through

  • High quality learning and teaching

  • Tracking and monitoring of progress

  • Communication with Parents and Carers

  • Appropriate progression pathways

  • Skills based learning

  • Support of Skills Development Scotland and focus on positive destinations

  • Continual professional and spiritual development of staff

FAITH in our Future

As a Catholic school our faith is at the heart of everything we do,. We exist as part of the evangelising mission of the Church, a place where faith, culture, life and learning are brought into harmony. We aim to live out Catholic social teaching, promoting social justice, stewardship and the common good.

With FAITH in our Future we recognise that in

  • Fairness, all members of our community should be given opportunities to succeed and be treated without discrimination.

  • Ambition, the importance of high quality education and being the best people we can possibly be.

  • Integrity, the importance of acting with honesty, respect, love and kindness, based on our Gospel values.

  • Trust, God has created us in His image and likeness, with a unique and significant part to play in the world. Through God’s help and guidance, our lives will be enriched, allowing us to effectively fulfil His purpose on earth.

  • Help, our school community is stronger together and through the support of others, we can reach our full potential.

Supported through

  • Pupil Support and first line guidance

  • Day to day classroom interactions

  • Religious and Moral Citizenship Education (RMCE) classes

  • A comprehensive retreat programme

  • School assemblies

  • Class Masses and Religious Observance

  • Chaplaincy


Effective and Responsible

As a Catholic school we are committed to the formation of the whole person in an inclusive ethos which aims to honour the life and voice of each human being, made in the image of God.

In partnership with parents and carers, pupils and staff we will

  • ensure that all who come into our school are made welcome.

  • respect the rights of individuals and promote responsibility for self and towards others.

  • involve all stakeholders in decisions which affect the individual and the community.

  • do our best to ensure that the needs of our young people are met.

Supported through

  • Comprehensive package of extra-curricular activities

  • Charity work

  • Active Pupil Councils and Pupil Parliament

  • Active Parent Council

  • Tracking and Monitoring

  • Pupil Support

  • Pupil Equity Funding strategies