Reports, Policy and Improvement Planning

SIP interactive KS version 2.pdf

St Andrew's and St Bride's High School Improvement Plan



It is important for the school to work with parents in encouraging all children to attend school. All absences from school are required by law to be recorded. Absences will normally fall under two categories – authorised or unauthorised absence. In cases where your child is unable to attend school parents are asked to:- • Contact the school by telephone or letter if you know in advance, that your child is likely to be absent • notify the school first thing in the morning when your child is going to be absent. Let the school know the likely date of return and keep them informed if the date changes; • Give your child a note on his/her return to school explaining the reason for absence • inform the school of any change to the following :- home telephone number mobile number emergency contact details Requests for your child to be absent from school to make an extended visit to relatives must be made in writing to the head teacher, detailing the reason, destination and duration of absence and arrangements for their continuing education. On these occasions the pupil will be marked as an authorised absentee in the register. Family holidays during term time Every effort should be made to ensure that your child attends school during term time. Please contact the school as soon as possible if your child is unable to attend school. Family holidays should be avoided during term time as this both disrupts the child’s education and reduces learning time. If holidays are taken during times when the school is open parents should inform the school in advance by letter. If your child is taken on a family holiday during term time then in line with Scottish Government advice this will be classified as an unauthorised absence. However, in exceptional circumstances schools may register a family holiday during term time as an authorised absence when for example, parents are unable to obtain leave during the school holiday period. Clearly, absence with no explanation from parents will mean that the absence will be recorded as unauthorised. In our approach to raising attainment and achievement it is recognised that attendance at school is something that should be continuously encouraged. Parents/carers, children and the school all have a part to play in encouraging and stressing the importance of attendance at school. The school holiday dates and in-service dates are available from the website St Andrew’s and St Bride’s High School operates an electronic text messaging system which informs parents by text/voicemail by 11.00am if their child is not in attendance at school. 


Schools have a part to play in the development of life-long education for our community. With this in mind the school has forged close links with the Community Education Service and is associated specifically in the development of the school as a community resource.


Children and young people may transfer school for a number of reasons such as families moving house, parental choice or the like. If you are proposing a change of school for your child please provide as many contact details as possible in relation to the new school so that we can ensure a smooth transfer of information relating to your child. This will help us all to ensure the continued well being of your child.


We make every effort to ensure the school remains open during term-time for pupils. However, on occasions circumstances may arise which can affect the school. Schools may be affected by, for example, severe weather, power failures or through any other circumstances that may impact on the school day. In such cases we shall do all we can to let you know if this happens. We shall keep you in touch by telephone, text, where appropriate, letters, web news and through local radio stations particularly if there are prolonged periods of sever weather. The Council’s website will be used to let you know if the school is closed and when it will re-open. It is important for parents/carers to let the school know of any change to your mobile/home telephone number and change of address. If for any reason, you are unsure if the school is open, please contact the school or Education Resources, Operations Service, Almada Street, Hamilton. (Telephone 01698 454375) or email us at: or visit the website


The mission of the Catholic school is to develop as a community of faith and learning, providing the highest quality of education, and offering formation through the promotion of Gospel values, through celebration and worship, and through service to the common good. All Catholic schools in Scotland, in honouring Jesus Christ as the Way, the Truth and the Life, will feature the following characteristics:  A commitment to the integrated education and formation of the whole person, in close partnership with parents as the first educators of their children.  An inclusive ethos which aims to honour the life, dignity and voice of each person, made in the image of God.  A commitment to the search for wisdom in life and to the pursuit of excellence, through the development of each person’s unique God-given talents.  A commitment to the spiritual formation of the school community, through the shared experience of prayer and liturgy, and in partnership with local parishes.  The provision of religious education programmes which will enable young people to develop their understanding of Gospel values and of how to apply them to life.  A commitment to uphold the moral teaching, faith tradition and sacramental life of the Catholic Church.  A commitment to communicate Catholic social teaching thereby to promote social justice and opportunity for all.  A commitment to ecumenical action and the unity of Christians.  The promotion of respect for different beliefs and cultures and for inter-faith dialogue.  A commitment to support the continuing professional and spiritual development of staff. All staff appointed to a Catholic school are expected to support and promote the aims, mission, values and ethos of the school, as illustrated in this Charter. For further information please visit:


It is the responsibility of staff within the school to ensure that parent council members, parents and pupils are involved in the creation of a positive school ethos that encourages good behaviour. Equally, the school whilst trying to promote positive behaviour must support young people should incidents or bullying occur. Parents have a significant role to play in working with the school so that teachers, parents and pupils know what is expected of them in trying to change the behaviour and attitudes that contribute to bullying behaviour. Our approach is to create an environment where better behaviour will encourage better learning. The school, along with the support of parents, can work together to create a learning environment which young people can enjoy and feel safe. Incidents of bullying should be reported to the school immediately so that each alleged incident can be looked at. Together we can work towards creating a safer school for children and staff. In addition, a guideline (Management of Challenging Behaviour) has been produced to support all teaching and support staff and inform them of their roles and responsibilities in respect of dealing with the small number of children and young people who display challenging behaviour. Early identification is crucial so that intervention can be provided to support children and young people to help them address their issues and concerns. Staff training is provided to help develop the skills needed to respond to and manage challenging behaviour. A wide range of appropriate staff development opportunities has been developed for this purpose. “Treat me Well” St Andrew’s and St Bride’s places a strong emphasis on pupil safety and parents may wish to know that an adult presence is provided in playgrounds at break times in terms of the Schools (Safety and Supervision of Pupils) (Scotland) Regulations 1990. CODE OF PRACTICE: Introduction: Most of our pupils behave well most of the time, not because they fear the imposition of sanctions, but because they wish to. Although most discipline problems in St Andrew’s and St Bride’s are of a minor nature, we must have a system of dealing with more major problems for the occasion on which they arise. One of our main aims is to foster positive attitudes and to develop the school as a caring community, so the introduction of a well- defined discipline structure throughout the school is an advantage to the whole community and helps further the mutual respect and co-operation which are already widespread. Our system is designed to help pupils develop self-discipline and is based on a graduated series of sanctions as follows: Class level reprimands and punishment exercises Departmental level logging in discipline logs/lunchtime detention Whole school level referral to senior staff Home-school level A letters to parents Home-school level B meetings with parents Home-school level C informal exclusions Authority level formal exclusions Our system works very well indeed and has allowed us to provide a safe, orderly, caring, and relaxed environment. The success of our system depends on strong parental support to emphasise the shared values and commitment of parents and teachers. IMPORTANT If a serious incident were to occur it might be necessary to proceed directly to level C or to the local authority.


Reporting will be ongoing and comprise of a range of activities which can include children presenting their learning, newsletters, and ongoing oral discussions. We will provide parents with reports so that you can see what your child is doing and how they are progressing. In addition, there will be parents’ meetings which offer you the opportunity to discuss how your child is progressing and how you can contact the school if you wish further information. The school will offer you an appointment time so that you can visit in person to discuss your child’s education. Our ‘pupil reports’ will help you to understand more about the curriculum each child follows and will:-  comment on strengths and development needs so that parents know what encouragement and support they can give  comment on aspects of personal and social development including attendance and behaviour  provide an overall assessment of the pupils’ level of attainment in each subject  give parents an opportunity to respond to the report and raise their own points for discussion  specify a contact teacher for parents Parents of students experiencing difficulties will be contacted through an early warning system which is co-ordinated by the Pupil support staff.

FOURTH/FIFTH AND SIXTH YEAR: We operate an early warning system by which a parent is informed of lack of application, absence, failure to do homework or constant late coming, etc. Candidates for the national examinations are liable not to achieve the grade in those examinations which the parent (and the school) has a right to expect of him/her, should these issues not be addressed. If you receive such a warning please discuss the matter further with the pupil support staff and with your son/daughter to bring about an improvement on the part of the pupil. The Head Teacher or a member of the senior management team will be happy to see parents at any time if a case is urgent. It is better to telephone and make an appointment whenever possible. We welcome any comments or additional information from parents to help us provide the best possible education for your child. Year Group Tracking Report Full Report S1 October& January June S2 November & May February S3 November & February May S4 September & March February S5/6 October & March November Parent/teacher consultation meetings are normally arranged as follows:- 






Other evenings may be arranged during the course of the year on specific topics such as:- pupil attainment, curriculum information or briefing for excursions abroad. Parents are informed of these meetings by hand-delivered letter. In September there is a workshop for the parents of S5/6 where the range of NQ courses is outlined. In October parents of S4 pupils are invited to attend a meeting with regard to National Qualifications Courses and Assessments. In January the parents of S2 pupils are invited to a meeting where the Options procedures are explained. The important point is that you contact us without delay if you have concerns or worries about any aspect of our operation. 


Our cafeteria offers hot and cold foods which cater for vegetarians and are made with reduced fat and salt promoting healthy eating. Healthy eating is something that the school supports and a range of meals is available at lunch times. Healthy eating is something that is taught in Home Economics. A pasta bar and a baguette bar, offering a choice of healthy fillings, are also available in the street. Drinks and snacks are available at morning interval in the dining hall. Packed lunches can also be consumed in the dining area. The school catering provision is now extensive and we recommend that pupils remain within the school at lunchtimes for safety reasons. Children of parents who receive the following benefits are entitled to a free lunchtime meal for their child  Income Support, Income-based Job Seeker’s Allowance, Employment and Support Allowance (income related), Working Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit(where your income does not exceed £6,420 gross per annum as assessed by the HM Revenues & Customs) , Child Tax Credit only (where your income does not exceed £16,010 gross per annum as assessed by the HM Revenues & Customs). We would encourage parents of children who are in receipt of any of the above benefits to take up this opportunity of having a meal provided for their child when they are at school. Arrangements are in place so that children who receive free meals are not singled out and we encourage all children to remain in school at lunch time. Healthy eating is something that the school supports and a range of meals are available at lunchtimes. The current cost for a school lunch is £1.50. We would wish to draw to your attention to the fact that milk is available for pupils as part of the meal provision. Children who wish to have milk with their lunch can do so Our cafeteria tills take pre-paid cards. Machines to top up the cards are available in the street. Information and application forms for free school meals may be obtained from the school, Q&A Offices, Audit and Development 01698 453504/453505/453213 or by contacting Education Resources, Council Offices, Almada Street, Hamilton, Tel 01698 454545 or South Lanarkshire website Education Maintenance Allowance Forms are available from South Lanarkshire Council website


What is GDPR?

The EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)was introduced to bring together a common approach to the use of personal data ensuring all data protection laws are applied in the same way in every country within the EU. It will protect EU citizens from organisations using their data irresponsibly and puts you in charge of what information is shared, where and how it is shared.

Transparency is a key requirement of GDPR and the first principle is that information must be processed lawfully, fairly and transparently.

Previously under the Data Protection Act 1998, a data protection statement was the way in which the Council informed individuals about the use of their personal information.

Under GDPR, a more detailed and extensive notice is required and the many ways in which the Council will use personal information must be clearly explained.

Previously you were asked to allow the Council to use personal information through means such as the annual data check or through consent forms for trips etc. The changes brought about by GDPR mean that a reliance on consent may not be appropriate.

The key purpose of this change is to put you in control of your own data and your child’s data

What does it mean for me as a parent/carer?

You have a right to be informed as to how the Council uses information about you and this will be done though issuing you with a privacy notice. Privacy notices are not optional, they are mandatory under GDPR.

A privacy notice is a statement about how personal information obtained by the Council will be used. When you have been advised about how your personal information will be used it should not be used for other purposes, unless there is a strong reason for doing so.

The school will have to make sure that when it requires information from you that there is a clear explanation of what is required, what it will be used for and how long the information will be retained for. When this is required you will be issued with a privacy notice.

Annually this will happened when the data check is undertaken and this will include educational trips and excursions. This privacy notice will also enable your personal data to be shared with other departments in the Council and only as appropriate e.g. with educational psychologists, the additional support needs team or social work.

There are key external agencies with whom we need to share your data in order that the Council and specifically Education Services has a secure system to manage your personal data. These are listed on the privacy notice too. The school will be able to provide you with further explanation about what these key agencies are if you require further information

Any other requirement for personal data will be accompanied by a separate privacy notice explain clearly the reason for this.

If you require any further information about the detail related to GDPR , follow this link to the Information Commissioner’s Office at